mocktail 0.1.3 copy "mocktail: ^0.1.3" to clipboard
mocktail: ^0.1.3 copied to clipboard


A Dart mock library which simplifies mocking with null safety support and no manual mocks or code generation.

🍹 mocktail #

Pub build coverage License: MIT

Mock library for Dart inspired by mockito.

Mocktail focuses on providing a familiar, simple API for creating mocks in Dart (with null-safety) without the need for manual mocks or code generation.

Creating a Mock #

import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';

// A Real Cat class
class Cat {
  String sound() => 'meow!';
  bool likes(String food, {bool isHungry = false}) => false;
  final int lives = 9;

// A Mock Cat class
class MockCat extends Mock implements Cat {}

void main() {
  // Create a Mock Cat instance
  final cat = MockCat();

Stub and Verify Behavior #

The MockCat instance can then be used to stub and verify calls.

// Stub the `sound` method.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenReturn('meow');

// Verify no interactions have occurred.
verifyNever(() => cat.sound());

// Interact with the mock cat instance.

// Verify the interaction occurred.
verify(() => cat.sound()).called(1);

// Interact with the mock instance again.

// Verify the interaction occurred twice.
verify(() => cat.sound()).called(1);

Additional Usage #

// Stub a method before interacting with the mock.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenReturn('purrr!');
expect(cat.sound(), 'purrr!');

// You can interact with the mock multiple times.
expect(cat.sound(), 'purrr!');

// You can change the stub.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenReturn('meow!');
expect(cat.sound(), 'meow');

// You can stub getters.
when(() => cat.lives).thenReturn(10);
expect(cat.lives, 10);

// You can stub a method for specific arguments.
when(() => cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false)).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false), isTrue);

// You can verify the interaction for specific arguments.
verify(() => cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false)).called(1);

// You can stub a method using argument matchers: `any`.
when(() => cat.likes(any(), isHungry: any(named: 'isHungry', that: isFalse)).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false), isTrue);

// You can stub a method to throw.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenThrow(Exception('oops'));
expect(() => cat.sound(), throwsA(isA<Exception>()));

// You can calculate stubs dynamically.
final sounds = ['purrr', 'meow'];
when(() => cat.sound()).thenAnswer((_) => sounds.removeAt(0));
expect(cat.sound(), 'purrr');
expect(cat.sound(), 'meow');

// You can capture any argument.
when(() => cat.likes('fish')).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish'), isTrue);
final captured = verify(() => cat.likes(captureAny())).captured;
expect(captured.last, equals(['fish']));

// You can capture a specific argument based on a matcher.
when(() => cat.likes(any())).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish'), isTrue);
expect(cat.likes('dog food'), isTrue);
final captured = verify(() => cat.likes(captureAny(that: startsWith('d')))).captured;
expect(captured.last, equals(['dog food']));

Resetting Mocks #

reset(cat); // Reset stubs and interactions

How it works #

Mocktail uses closures to handle catching TypeError instances which would otherwise propagate and cause test failures when stubbing/verifying non-nullable return types. Check out #24 for more information.

In order to support argument matchers such as any and captureAny mocktail has to register default fallback values to return when the argument matchers are used. Out of the box, it automatically handles all primitive types, however, when using argument matchers in place of custom types developers must use registerFallbackValue to provide a default return value. It is only required to call registerFallbackValue once per type so it is recommended to place all registerFallbackValue calls within setUpAll.

class Food {...}

class Cat {
  bool likes(Food food) {...}


class MockCat extends Mock implements Cat {}

class FakeFood extends Fake implements Food {}

void main() {
  setUpAll(() {

  test('...', () {
    final cat = MockCat();
    when(() => cat.likes(any()).thenReturn(true);
pub points



A Dart mock library which simplifies mocking with null safety support and no manual mocks or code generation.

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unknown (LICENSE)


collection, matcher, test


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