Results44253 packages
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Loading animation or loading spiner or loader. It's used to show loading animation when the app is in loading state or something is processing for uncertain time.
Flutter package to render html as widgets that supports hyperlink, image, audio, video, iframe and many other tags.#widget#html#css#fwfh
Sentry SDK for Flutter. This package aims to support different Flutter targets by relying on the many platforms supported by Sentry with native SDKs.
Plugin that allows you to keep the device screen awake, i.e. prevent the screen from sleeping on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and web.
Easily make Flutter apps responsive. Automatically adapt UI to different screen sizes. Responsiveness made simple.
A lightweight library for parsing, traversing, querying, transforming and building XML documents.#parser#sax#xml#xpath
A mock framework inspired by Mockito with APIs for Fakes, Mocks, behavior verification, and stubbing.
Auto-generated client libraries for accessing Google APIs described through the API discovery service.
swiper/carousel for flutter, with multiple layouts, infinite loop. Compatible with Android & iOS.
A flutter package for showing a country code selector. In addition it gives the possibility to select a list of favorites countries, as well as to search using a simple searchbox

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