
  • Packages
Results30 packages owned by leancode.co
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Extends blocs with an additional stream which can serve as a way of indicating single-time events (so-called "presentation events").
Draw dashed lines with any shape and style you want. Just like that.
Powerful Flutter-native UI testing framework overcoming limitations of existing Flutter testing tools. Ready for action! #test#integration-test#ui-test#patrol
Addresses internationalization library. Format various physical addresses in various languages and build localized address forms.
Flutter gradient wrappers that interpolate colors in the HCT color system.
Simple communication pattern abstraction on streams, created for communication between logic classes and or widgets.
Robust, high-quality lint rules used at LeanCode.#analysis#lints
A collection of cubits and widgets that facilitate the creation of repetitive pages, eliminating boilerplate.
A library for convenient communication with CQRS-compatible backends, using queries and commands.