Results44243 packages
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A Flutter package to use fonts from Supports HTTP fetching, caching, and asset bundling.
Flutter plugin for Firebase Auth, enabling authentication using passwords, phone numbers and identity providers like Google, Facebook and Twitter.
Permission plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions.
A powerful HTTP networking package, supports Interceptors, Aborting and canceling a request, Custom adapters, Transformers, etc. #dio#http#network#interceptor#middleware
Flutter library to load and cache network images. Can also be used with placeholder and error widgets.#cache#image#network-image
Flutter plugin for Firebase Cloud Messaging, a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages on Android and iOS.
Flutter plugin for Cloud Firestore, a cloud-hosted, noSQL database with live synchronization and offline support on Android and iOS.
A string-based path manipulation library. All of the path operations you know and love, with solid support for Windows, POSIX (Linux and Mac OS X), and the web.
A cross platform plugin for displaying and scheduling local notifications for Flutter applications with the ability to customise for each platform.
A package that allows you to use a native file explorer to pick single or multiple absolute file paths, with extension filtering support.

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